
Sunday, February 7, 2016

GOP Presidential Candidate Calls Aborting Rape-Conceived Babies 'Act of Self Defense'

Aborting Rape-Conceived Babies Called 'Sweet Spot,' 'Act of Self Defense' 
by Jeb Bush, Chris Christie at GOP Debate

by Samuel Smith
CP Politics

Jeb Bush said that supporting abortion for rape-conceived babies puts him in a "sweet spot" as a candidate while Chris Christie called it an "act of self defense." Marco Rubio disagreed, arguing it's more important to be right on the issue than win an election.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush argued his support for abortions in the cases of rape and incest would help him win the presidential after he asked about his recent criticism of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's pro-life stance during Saturday's Republican presidential debate on ABC.

Former Fla. Gov. Bush, who currently averages fifth place in national GOP nomination polls, told CNN in an interview Friday that Rubio's belief that abortion should not be permitted in the cases of rape and incest would be a "tough sell" to pro-life mothers whose daughters had been raped.

At Saturday night's debate in New Hampshire, Bush was asked to defend his pro-life record and stance when questioned by "Hot Air's" Mary Katharine Ham about his Friday remark.

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