
Sunday, February 7, 2016


by: Karen
Catholic Sistas 
I really don’t like winter. 
And I really, really don’t like the cold.
Born and raised in Southern California, I was used to mild temperatures and glorious warm, sunny weather year round. At 13, my family relocated to Michigan, where I experienced my first snowfall. And that winter turned out to be one of the largest snowfalls that Southeast Michigan had seen in years. At first, I was elated. I had never been around falling snow before. I didn’t even know what to do with it! It was a mini-adventure discovering snowballs and that, for the life of me, I could not properly build a snowman. But the romance died quickly as I grew to loathe shoveling walkways and cleaning off cars while my face was freezing and my body overheated under a warm coat from the effort. really, really don’t like winter.

So when I heard that a blizzard would hit Washington, D.C. and the surrounding areas during the March for Life, I could not understand why people would knowingly put themselves in those conditions to march down a street.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the March for Life is an excellent ingredient in the fight to end abortion. We need folks willing to be on the front lines, sharing the truth that abortion is and always will be, a moral evil that victimizes humanity, mother, and child.

News reports swirled that the March for Life may be cancelled. Rumors of permits being pulled resulted in countless groups cancelled their trip in light of the poor forecast. And yet, so many still travelled by bus to rally together!

The mission of Catholic Sistas  is rooted in John Paul II’s call for the faithful to engage in the New Evangelization, which was encouraged by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and is being realized through Pope Francis’ leadership. With over 50 contributors in the United States, and some guest posts from abroad, we seek to reach Catholics and non-Catholics where they are in their understanding of the Faith. The goal is to challenge readers and contributors alike to stretch, grow, and immerse ourselves in the Faith more deeply, which is achieved through a variety of topics and, as our catch phrase goes – We are a group of women who share a passion for the Faith by blogging. From humor to critical thinking pieces, we’ll keep you on your toes! – you will find that our posts cover not only many different topics regarding the Faith, but with so many contributors, the approach to topics also varies.  Use this link to continue reading their Mission Statement. 

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