
Friday, February 26, 2016

Little Sisters of the Poor are the Public Face of Fight Against HHS Mandate

by Kurt Jensen
Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Visuals often are much easier to grasp than a complicated thicket of issues. That may be why the Little Sisters of the Poor have become the public face of Zubik v. Burwell, which goes before the U.S. Supreme Court March 23.

Zubik is not just about the religious order’s legal challenge of the Obama administration’s contraceptive mandate for employers. It is a consolidated case also involving East Texas Baptist University, Southern Nazarene University and Geneva College, which is a Presbyterian institution, as well as Catholic entities, including the Archdiocese of Washington, the dioceses of Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania, and Priests for Life.

Both sides on the mandate issue have been working to attract public support. The Little Sisters, like Priests for Life, have launched a website explaining their side of the issue, and of any of the cases the Little Sisters suit has received the most attention, media and otherwise.

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  1. This protestant friend supports and commends the Little Sisters and the other faith organizations in their fight against the US Government ..who is trampling on the centuries old religious freedoms enshrined th the Bill of Rights

  2. This protestant friend supports and commends the Little Sisters and the other faith organizations in their fight against the US Government ..who is trampling on the centuries old religious freedoms enshrined th the Bill of Rights
