
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Make your Voice Heard....

Physician Assisted Suicide is being considered NOW in Annapolis, Maryland 

From Maryland March for Life

Legislation was introduced this year in the Maryland General Assembly (HB 404/SB 418) that would legalize physician assisted suicide - allowing doctors to legally prescribe a lethal medication at the request of a patient who has received a six-month terminal diagnosis. The legislation is very similar to a bill that was filed in 2015 and did not advance out of committee, but proponents continue their aggressive campaign to pass this misguided bill.

The House of Delegates committee hearing was last Friday and the Senate hearing is this Thursday.

PLEASE take a moment to learn the facts and be a voice for the vulnerable, responding to an action alert from the Maryland Against Physician Assisted Suicide Coalition, the Maryland Catholic Conference, or Maryland Right to Life.

Maryland March for Life have been marching since 1979 in Annapolis. Organizations and groups from throughout the state gather in support of the common cause of LIFE!  For more information, use this link.  

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