
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mom Gives Birth to Quintuplets After Rejecting Suggestion to Abort Three of Her Unborn Babies


By Micaiah Bilger

When Kim and Vaughn Tucci discovered they were pregnant last year, they hoped for a boy. Much to the Perth, Australia family’s surprise, however, they quickly learned that they were not just expecting a boy but four girls, too.

On Jan. 28, Kim Tucci gave birth to her quintuplets when she was 29 weeks pregnant, Fox News reports. Their baby boy, Keith, and his four sisters, Tiffany, Penelope, Beatrix and Allie, all were born within a few minutes of each other, the report states. The naturally conceived quintuplets are extremely rare, a one in 60 million chance.


Kim, who has been blogging about the experience at Surprised By Five, announced their birth on Facebook:

We are very happy to announce the birth of our 5 beautiful babies, born on the 28th of January and just shy of 30 weeks.

We would like to say a big thank you to Dr Jan Dickinson for looking after me and the babies with such love and care. I was very lucky to have an amazing medical team supporting me. Thank you for giving me an exceptional birth!

The babies and I are both doing very well, thank you for all your well wishes and support.

Tiffany weight 1170g
Penelope weight 1160g
Beatrix weight 1210g
Allie weight 1200g
Keith weight 1269g

A local news report states people in the Tucci’s home community of Perth are preparing to provide meals, babysitting and other practical support for the family when the quintuplets arrive home from the hospital. The Tuccis also have two older daughters.

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