
Saturday, February 6, 2016

News and Information from New Jersey Right to Life

Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersery Right to Life 

  • Physician Assisted Suicide Bill
  • Legislative Training Workshop, February 17, 2016
  • Update on Disgraced Abortionists Steven Brigham and Vlkram Kaji 
  • NJRTL Annual Banquet, Friday, April 29, 2016

Physician Assisted Suicide Bill (A2451)

The Physician Assisted Suicide bill has been reintroduced in the new Legislative Session. It has been assigned Bill Number A2451. Please visit our website using this link for more information and suggested action on this matter.

Legislative Training Workshop - February 17, 2016 

The Diocese of Metuchen is hosting a one-hour Legislative Training Workshop on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. This Workshop is free, but space is limited so please fill out the form in the attached flyer and send it to the address indicated by no later than February 15th! This workshop is a great way to get more involved with the 2020 Project and our efforts to pass the the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and help defeat the Physician Assisted Suicide bill. Use this link to register for this event. 

Update on Disgraced Abortionists Brigham and Vlkram Kaji

I am also including a link to an article posted on today about disgraced abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji. This is the latest chapter in a never-ending saga filled with dishonesty, greed, fraud and betrayal of women. Let's hope the Attorney General's case prevails. Read the Update on Disgraced Abortionists Steven Brigham and VIkram Kaji HERE

NJRTL Annual Banquet, Friday, April 29, 2016

Please also mark your calendar and register now for the above date for the NJRTL Annual Banquet Dinner. Special reduced rates will be provided if you register before March 1st. This year our Speakers are Kirk Cameron and Clare Culwell. Kirk is a TV and Film Actor and Producer. Kirk is noted for his Inspirational Faith Based films, Fireproof and Saving Christmas. Clare is a survivor of a twin abortion. Please see Banquet Registration form for more information and to register: 

This promises to be a most exciting evening. Please don't miss it! Register here by March 1st to get the special reduced early rate!

New Jersey Right to Life is the state’s largest and most active pro-life, non-partisan organization dedicated to protecting and fostering the most basic value of our society – human life. As the premier pro-life organization in NJ, we continue to lead the effort on all public policy matters concerning the sanctity of human life at the state and federal level. We promote, uphold, and support reverence and respect for all innocent human life from conception to natural death, without regard to condition, or circumstances of conception, quality, age, race, religion, creed, or color, whether born or pre-born. For more information or to make a donation, use this link.

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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