
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Planned Parenthood Took $553 Million from Taxpayers in 2015

from Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

In spite of videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and trafficking of unborn babies’ organs, taxpayer funding of abortion and abortion providers continues unabated.  In 2015, Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, raked in more than $553 million from taxpayers.

Thanks to the activism of NPLA members and other pro-lifers, the U.S. House has repeatedly passed legislation to end all taxpayer funding of abortion, and it clearly has majority support in the U.S. Senate.  Only the threat of Harry Reid’s filibuster or Obama’s veto has kept this legislation from becoming the law of the land.

But with your help, 2016 can be a game changer.  You see, in the last election, you and I were able to mobilize pro-lifers nationwide and expose the records of radical pro-abortion politicians.  And as a result, scores of pro-abortion members of Congress were sent packing.  Now the abortion lobby is mounting up for the 2016 elections.

Groups like Planned Parenthood and the so-called “National Abortion Rights Action League” will be armed with a massive war chest to prop up their pro-abortion cronies in Congress.  It is critical that the men and women we will send to Congress and the White House defend the Sanctity of Human Life and not cower under the pressure of the abortion lobby.

That’s why your NPLA has begun to survey candidates nationwide to find out where they stand on the Sanctity of Life.  As you know, there are still too many members of Congress – especially in the U.S. Senate – who are protecting Planned Parenthood’s pipeline of taxpayer money.

That’s why our 2016 Candidate Survey Program is so critical.  You and I can ensure that candidates seeking office this fall hear loud and clear from pro-lifers who are furious that our tax dollars still fund Planned Parenthood. And you and I can ensure pro-life citizens know which politicians voted to keep the spigot open.

My staff and I will be letting you know where your candidates stand as the results come in.  It’s up to pro-lifers like you and I to make sure EVERY candidate for office pledges 100% support for protecting innocent, unborn babies.

If you haven’t yet, please click here to sign your petition to end ALL taxpayer funded abortion.

And after signing, please consider chipping in with a contribution. Unlike Planned Parenthood, your National Pro-Life Alliance is entirely dependent on voluntary contributions to keep our vital programs running. We receive no government funding.

The National Pro-Life Alliance occupies a unique and important role in the pro-life movement. The focus of many other pro-life organizations is research, publications or counseling.

These are all important and worthy activities, but the National Pro-Life Alliance is singular in its focus on passing pro-life legislation that will protect the unborn from the moment of conception onward.  For more information, please use this link.  

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