
Monday, February 29, 2016

Pray and Rally March 1-2 at the Steps of the Supreme Court

By Christina Marie Bennett

On Tuesday, March 1st I will join faithful and concerned individuals gathering together for a candlelight prayer vigil from 7:30-8:30pm at the steps of the United States Supreme Court. The vigil will be followed by all night prayer and worship from 8:30pm Tuesday night until Wednesday at 9:30am. This time of focused, strategic prayer is for the most important abortion case to be brought before the court in over 20 years.

On March 2, 2016 the United States Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for, “Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt”. The case comes out of Texas where the current HB2 law requires Texas abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their abortion clinics and abortion clinics to meet the safety standards of ambulatory surgical centers.

Since the law was passed in 2013, almost half of the abortion clinics in Texas shut down for their failure to meet those health and safety standards. At one point Texas had 42 abortion centers, but they are now at 19. If the Supreme Court majority sides with Texas, another half of those 19 centers may close.

This Supreme Court decision will directly affect the safety of women and children in our nation. This is why I and others will be right outside of the court when the justices hear this case. Wednesday March 2nd at 9:30 am, Students for Life, along with pro-life activist Pat Mahoney and other leaders are holding a rally in front of the Supreme Court called, ‘Protect Them Both’.

Note to reader: Christina Bennett owes her life to divine intervention.  Her mother paid for an abortion, but walked out of the doctor's office.  A janitor in a hosptial told her mother that God would give her the strength to have her baby and she believed it. She is a member of the National Black Pro-life coalition and believes the greatest civil right is the right to life.

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