
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Pro-Life Updates and Meeting Notice from Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition

From Ellen Gifford, President
Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition

Meeting Highlights:

  • We have the marvelous Barbara Rose telling us about NAPRO Technology
  • W'e have another amazing speaker from Generation Life, Katelyn D'Adamo. She will update us on the latest activities of this wonderful organization that ministers to our young people. 
  • When will there be a budget passed in Pennsylvania ? How can we assure that Planned Parenthood will be defunded? 
  • Reports on the pro-life activities of the months.
  • A large part of our mission is to support crisis pregnancy facilities. To this end, we contribute more than $2,400 every month to various homes in Bucks and Montgomery counties, that equates to almost $50,000 a year. Lately out contributions have been down. To improve our financial picture, we are planning the return of our Celebrate Life 5K Run in June. To make this a successful endeavor, we need volunteers to help with the planning. Come and learn how you can help.
We invite you to come to our meeting, hear our speakers, learn about the life issues, give your opinion, and get involved in a movement that wants to preserve the lives of the most vulnerable among us. Bring a friend!

The primary mission of the Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition is to provide financial support to area Crisis Pregnancy Homes that protect women from being forced or coerced into having abortions. These homes provide shelter and medical assistance to the expectant mother and her baby after it is born.  For more information on this organization,  follow this link.  

If you would like to make a contribution to help them with their work, please send a check made payable to Bucks County Pro-Life Coalition to  P.O.Box 7068, Penndel, PA 19047.

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