
Sunday, February 14, 2016

#ProjectWeakLink: Stericycle, Inc. Targeted for Enabling Planned Parenthood

Mark Harrington, National Director
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – According to the abortion industry’s own experts, medical waste companies such as Stericycle are the abortion industry’s Achilles heel.

Watch the video below: Abortionist: “We are one incineration company away from being closed.” 

In undercover videos leaked by GotNews of a 2013 National Abortion Federation conference, Abortionist Renee Chelian discusses the problem of disposing of aborted babies. While proposing solutions she comments, “I had five months’ worth of fetal tissue in my freezers.” 

The Ohio Attorney General reported in Planned Parenthood Investigation Summary Regarding Disposal of Aborted Fetuses that Stericycle disposes of fetal remains for Planned Parenthood (PP) facilities in Ohio. 

Stericycle is Planned Parenthood’s main medical waste service provider in America. Stericycle's collaboration with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry through its collection, transportation, and disposal of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them is well documented (see Evidence). Providing this service enables the killing of preborn children. Planned Parenthood depends upon medical waste companies to dispose of dead babies. 
Question: What if Stericycle were to stop doing the dirty work of Planned Parenthood?  
Answer: Planned Parenthood would be unable to dispose of the babies they kill, and the murder of millions of innocent children by Planned Parenthood would likely halt. 
Mark Harrington, National Director for Created Equal said, “If we don’t act NOW to pressure these medical waste companies to discontinue providing Planned Parenthood the services to dispose of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them, we will have missed a historic opportunity to stop the killing. The time is now to demand that Stericycle stop enabling Planned Parenthood to kill babies.” 

Project Weak Link overview: 
  • A nationwide effort to contact CEO Charles Alutto 847-607-2004 or and respectfully request that Stericycle discontinue providing services to dispose of fetal remains and the instruments used to kill babies for Planned Parenthood (see important note below).
  • A public awareness campaign consisting of among other things mobile billboards, postcards,  delivered to the neighborhoods of Stericycle board members, and protests at selected Stericycle locations.
In 2015, Created Equal helped lead 100,000 activists to protest at over 600 Planned Parenthood clinics in each of the fifty states. Our coalition is capable of mounting serious opposition to Stericycle (See 

Important note: 

Despite being caught red-handed by the Ohio Attorney General, Selin Hoboy, Vice-President of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, has said that Stericycle “does not accept fetuses” in accordance to their Regulated Medical Waste Acceptance Policy. This is merely a semantic ploy. 

According to the policy, Stericycle will not accept “complete human remains,” which includes fetuses. However, babies are not “complete” after being dismembered, decapitated, and disemboweled in standard abortion methods. Their broken parts and torn tissue are categorized by Stericycle as “pathological waste”—defined as “human or animal parts, organs, tissues, and surgical specimens”—which they do accept. So while they may not be picking up intact fetuses, they do accept aborted babies’ fragmented body parts. Stericycle uses this technical exception to justify their continued collaboration in child-killing.

Created Equal is a social action movement seeking to end the greatest human rights injustice of our time. Killing preborn babies is nothing less than age-based discrimination. Abortion robs us of our future. Our goal is to restore the true meaning of equality to include equal protection between the born and the preborn.

Protecting preborn children is our cause. What makes Created Equal a movement is that we are an organized, mobilized generation choosing to live intentionally to protect the weak and defenseless by drawing strength and inspiration from one another.

Our various media make it possible for people to become part of a grassroots effort intelligently responding to injustice. We are 21st century defenders. There’s a place for everyone in this movement. For more information on Created Equal, use this link.  

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