
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Stop Stericycle from Making Money by Throwing Babies in the Garbage

from Father Frank Pavone, National Director
Priests for Life

Stericycle is a Lake Forest, IL, company that collects and processes “specialized waste” for disposal.

That specialized waste includes the broken bodies of aborted babies.

The company’s just-released financial reports disclose a disappointing 2015: Net profit was down to $267.1 million, from $326.5 million the year before, but investors have not lost faith and are increasing their shares in the company that is literally earning blood money through its partnership with Planned Parenthood.

But you can play a part in stopping them.

Our friends at Created Equal have asked my support for their project called #ProjectWeakLink, which calls on every person committed to protecting the unborn to get in touch with Stericycle by phone or email to ask the company to discontinue providing Planned Parenthood its services to dispose of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them.

Stericyle CEO is Charles Alutto and he may be reached by phone or email. Please be polite and respectful in your communication, but very firm in your conviction that the company must stop aiding and abetting this slaughter of the innocents and stop profiting off of their blood!


For decades, we have known at Priests for Life that one of the most troublesome problems the abortion industry faces is this: What do we do with the bodies?

Abortionists have been caught
a) Saving them in milk cartons in the freezer (along with food items, by the way); 
b) Flushing them down the toilet; 
c) Grinding them up in the kitchen sink's garbage disposal; (* see note below)
d) Illegally dumping them
… and much more

Sometimes, people who have found these bodies have brought them to me, and I have held funerals and burials for them in various parts of the country. That is the only way to properly treat a dead baby.

But for a company to profit from just taking them and throwing them in the garbage is simply another step in the disgusting, profit-making machinery of the culture of death.

Abortion practitioners are immoral and lazy. They don't care about the babies when they are alive, and they don't care about them when they are dead. Along with the methods I mentioned above, the abortion industry relies in large part on Stericycle to do the work of throwing the babies away (the ones, that is, that they do not or cannot sell).

Without Stericycle, the abortion industry would face a major dilemma.

They want to keep doing the killing, but won't have someone to cover up their tracks.

And then, through the totally callous way they treat these dead babies, their total lack of conscience will be exposed, along with the gruesome results of abortion. State officials can then step in to punish abortion clinics for improper disposal of baby parts.

By joining #ProjectWeakLeak and demanding that Stericycle end its collaboration with Planned Parenthood, we will take a giant step toward ending legal child-murder in our nation.

All I’m asking you to do is make a call or send an email.

Please click here for further instructions on how to communicate with Stericycle.

And please share this with those on your contact list that would be interested in helping!

Editors Note:  I know for a fact that the former Northeast Women's Center (now a Planned Parenthood in Northeast Philadelphia) had an industrial strength garbage disposal installed when they moved to their Comly Road site from 9600 Roosevelt Blvd.  I had managed to get some of the workmen to walk off this jobsite; however, the Foreman didn't leave until they asked him to put one of these garbage disposals in for them.  He came out and told me he quit! 

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