
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

University President Cancels Pro-Life Advocate’s Speech: “It’s Best for Our Campus”


By Christine Rousselle
Town Hall

Early Tuesday morning, conservative writer Ben Shapiro revealed on Twitter that his planned speech on February 25 at California State University-Los Angeles had beencanceled by the university’s president.

Your “safe spaces” should be renamed “fascist areas,” you jackbooted intellectual weaklings.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) February 23, 2016

Shapiro was due to speak on the topic of “When Diversity Becomes a Problem,” which CSULA President William Covino decided should be canceled in favor of an event that was more inclusive to all viewpoints. His appearance at CSULA is part of the Young America’s Foundation’s Fred R. Allen lecture series.

In an email to the Young America’s Foundation chapter at CSULA, university president William Covino wrote, “After careful consideration, I have decided that it will be best for our campus community if we reschedule Ben Shapiro’s appearance for a later date, so that we can arrange for him to appear as part of a group of speakers with differing viewpoints on diversity. Such an event will better represent our university’s dedication to the free exchange of ideas and the value of considering multiple viewpoints.”

A press release from YAF pointed out the hypocrisy of CSULA’s cancelation of Shapiro, given their past tolerance for hosting liberal speakers without requiring that a full spectrum of ideas be represented:

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