
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

A Novel Idea for International Women’s Day

Tell women the truth about the risks of abortion

Carolyn Moynihan

International Women’s Day has brought the usual hand-wringing over gender pay-gaps and glass ceilings. On the other hand there are acknowledgements that “progress for women” is not just about their participation in paid work but social recognition of the unpaid and undervalued work put into raising children and other care.

Australian feminist Eva Cox says it is time to “acknowledge that women cannot “have it all” because men can’t either, but ensure that both can take on fairly shared responsibilities for essential paid and unpaid roles.” Melinda Gates is sort of onto this too, dedicating half of her and Bill’s annual letter to women’s unpaid work.

Director Punam Kumar Gill tackles the most controversial issue of our times, abortion, investigating the long-term health effects of this elective, medical procedure in the video below. 

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