
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Can You Do This? An Appeal from

Steven Ertelt, Editor 

Sometimes when pro-life groups like make the statement that someone like Hillary Clinton supports abortion on demand, we’re met with questions or skepticism. Surely she supports even modest limits on abortion, some people respond. Surely it’s can’t be true that Hillary Clinton is fine with virtually unlimited abortions – even in the late-term, even up to the point of birth.

But Hillary Clinton’s record is crystal clear.

After all, she vocally applauded her husband Bill Clinton vetoing a bill to ban the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure. You remember that disgusting abortion method, right? The one where an unborn baby is part of the way outside her mother’s womb and the abortionist jams medical scissors into the base of the baby’s skull? Hillary Clinton has no problem with that.

In fact, as LifeNews reported in February, Hillary Clinton is still defending partial-birth abortions!

“My husband vetoed a very restrictive legislation on late-term abortions, and he vetoed it at an event in the White House where we invited a lot of women who had faced this very difficult decision, that ought to be made based on their own conscience, their family, their faith, in consultation with doctors. Those stories left a searing impression on me,” she said.

Now, Clinton has admitted again that she doesn’t think unborn babies should have ANY legal rights before birth.

As reported, Clinton received a question from host Bret Baier about abortion and whether or not unborn children should have any rights before birth. Her answer was exactly what LifeNews readers would expect. Although Clinton hemmed and hawed and did her best to avoid the question, knowing it would paint her as a pro-abortion extremist, Clinton essentially admitted unborn babies should have no legal rights before birth.

Host Bret Bair caught on and asked Hillary a follow-up question: “Just to be clear. No exceptions?”

Hillary made it clear – admitting she opposes a modest pro-life bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks! NO exceptions indeed!

LifeNews will do everything possible to educate as many people about Hillary Clinton’s extremist abortion record. LifeNews will do everything possible to encourage as many pro-life voters as possible to get to the polls to use their vote to speak up for unborn babies. But we need your help to speak up for them to millions of people every single month. Can you do this?

LifeNews needs your help today with a donation  so we can vocally expose Hillary Clinton’s abortion extremism and stand against her this year. Can you do this?

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