
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Defeat Planned Parenthood: Here's how...

from Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

Now through November 3, 2016 -- Election Day, we need young people to join our Resistance team to expose Planned Parenthood. Be part of our NoMas Initiative to educate the Hispanic community on how to protect their families, faith, and future from Planned Parenthood.

You can join for as short as two weeks and for as long as 8 months. Survivors will cover room and board and commitments for longer than month will receive a weekly stipend.

This is to be exciting work. If you don't answer the call to expose Planned Parenthood -- who would? Who should?

Be a frontline soldier in the fight to expose the evil deeds of darkness perpetrated by Planned Parenthood. This is a once i a lifetime opportunity! Now is the time to answer the call. 

To join the Survivors Resistance Team, email Survivors at Resist@Survivors.LA or call our office at (951) 750-1114.

Register today by clicking on the image below

This summer is going to be epic! Don't forget to register today to reserve your spot!

Join The Resistance at the 19th annual Survivors Pro-Life Training Camp - 13 days of intense training and activism that will prepare you to stand against the worst evil of our day: abortion. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry may have money and power, but we have God and conviction. This year we watched as Planned Parenthood once again was exposed and investigated, and this time the disturbing truths of selling aborted baby parts for profit was released. They are under investigation which means now more than ever we must apply more pressure!

So act today and join us this summer for a training camp like none other before!
Early bird registration saves you money, so register now before May 1st!

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