
Friday, March 18, 2016

Federal Suit Against Disgraced Abortionist Reveals Dangers of Corners-Cutting Methotrexate Abortions

Bottom-of-the-barrel abortionists use this cheap, ineffective abortion drug to financially exploit poor women at the cost of their safety

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operaton Rescue 

Frederick, Maryland - When Christy O'Connell reported to one of Steven Chase Brigham's Maryland abortion facilities on July 26, 2012, she had no idea how that visit would alter her life.

According to court documents obtained by Operation Rescue, O'Connell's experiences with Brigham's notoriously shoddy abortion businesses resulted in the filing of three Federal Court lawsuits against Brigham and his medical director, Vikram Kaji, and two other abortionists then in his employment, Iris Dominy, and Mansour Panah.

It began in June 2012, when O'Connell first discovered that she was pregnant. A visit to her primary care provider on July 16, 2012, confirmed her pregnancy though a blood pregnancy test and a vaginal ultrasound, which determined that her baby was 8 weeks, 2 days (58 days) gestation.

Ten days later, on July 26, 2012, O'Connell reported to one of Brigham's "American Women's Services" abortion facilities in Frederick, Maryland.

Continue reading here to learn what happened to Christy and why the drug used in her failed abortion should be banned!

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