
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Holy Week Pro-Life Vigils in SE Pennsylvania and Across the USA

Over the years, pro-life advocates have held prayer vigils at local abortion facilities every year during Holy Week. It's a time of prayer and public witness. A time to remind the members of our communities of the horror taking place inside these killing centers while they go about their daily routines. It's a time when we remember the ultimate sacrifice that Our Lord made for all of us, born and preborn.

Below is a list of some of the locations in the Southeast PA area that will have prayer vigils during Holy Week. Please commit to spending one hour of your time at one of these vigils or at one of the many that will take place throughout the country.

A link is provided here from the Pro-Life Action League for other locations across the USA.  
Information is provided below for the following locations in Southeast Pennsylvania are:
Center City Philadelphia
Delaware County
Northeast Philadelphia
West Chester
Palm Sunday, March 20, 2016 (*see comment on bottom of article)

West Chester 


Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. Jesus traveled to Jerusalem knowing that His journey would end in His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of all mankind.

This is 40 Days for Life in West Chester greatest outreach prayer service to the local community to draw attention that children are being sacrificed right in their neighborhood. It is also a reminder that Christ died for them too no matter how busy they are or how irrelevant Christ seems to them. The Holy Spirit can turn a quick glance into a life time of change.

Holy Thursday, March 24, 2016


We invite all pro-life citizens of Montgomery County for a Prayer Vigil on Holy Thursday, from 10 - 11 am at the Planned Parenthood at 1221 Powell Street. This site is adjacent to the former Montgomery Hospital.

Thursdays are abortion days here. Our prayerful presence helps to save lives and provides a small act of reparation for the abortions occurring in our country.

Good Friday, March 25, 2016

Center City 

Let us join with the Legionnaires of Christ as we give witness to life in Philadelphia.

The day will begin with a prayer vigil outside of Planned Parenthood at 9:00 am. We will later break into teams collecting intentions from people in the city for the 3:00 pm service celebrated by Archbishop Chaput.

We will have a light snack at St Patrick's followed by living stations around the city en route to the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral.


A prayer vigil, will take place at the Planned Parenthood located at 216 W. State Street in Media from 10:00 - 11:00 am.

We invite everyone to attend and pray with us in reparation for the crimes of abortion that take place in this facility and those across our nation.

Northeast Philadelphia

Pro-life Stations of the Cross will be held at the Comly Road Planned Parenthood beginning at 9:00 am. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be recited following the Stations.

We invite everyone to attend and pray with us in reparation for the crimes of abortion that take place in this facility and those across our nation.


A Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion will be held at the Norristown Planned Parenthood, located at 1221 Powell Street from 11:00 - 12 noon. We encourage everyone to join us in giving witness to the horrible crime of abortion in our community and our nation.


Our Good Friday observance at Planned Parenthood in Warminster will begin with a procession from Nativity of Our Lord Church parking lot starting at 9:30 an ending at the Planned Parenthood on Louis Drive.

At 10:00 we will have the reading of the Passion and the Stations of the Cross in front of Planned Parenthood.

West Chester


The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, will begin at 9:00 am at the Planned Parenthood located at Market Street and Wayne Avenue in West Chester, PA. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

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