
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Megan's Story: The Doctor Gave Her a Death Sentence After She Was Born

Description Sleeping newborn infant.jpg

By Terry Noble
Voices for the Unborn

It was 35 years ago today, when my first grandson came into the world. He was born in the hospital where I worked as a billing clerk. A joyous celebration of his birth took place that day. Christopher Robert was a healthy 8 lb, 3 oz. baby. He was and still is the joy of our lives.

On the same day, a baby girl was born. Megan was a beautiful newborn, 6 lbs, 6 ozs. Rumors were flying around the hospital about a "little angel" in the nursery who would not survive. As I later found out, Megan was that "little angel". A friend in housekeeping told me Megan was diagnosed by the pediatrician as "not having a brain".

The doctor told the parents that Megan only had a brain stem. As it turned out, the 
pediatrician was wrong. He never ordered a CAT scan to confirm his diagnosis.  It was later determined Megan had hydrocephalus. This condition causes fluid on the brain. A procedure is performed to drain the fluid within two to three days after birth. Today, this can be done in the womb. The procedure was never ordered by the physician.

Armed with his prognosis, the pediatrician withheld nutrition from Megan. The newborn was given fluids. The parents were young and naive. They believed the doctor's report. They came to see Megan every day. He was starving her to death, as they continued to trust the one who took an oath to "do no harm" to their baby.

About one week later, Lois told me that Megan was moved to a private room. She was taken out of her isolate. In the meantime, the nurses began to sneak feedings to Megan. It was later reported that nurses had threatened the administration with notifying the media.

When I told my co-workers that a baby was being starved to death in our hospital, there was one of two responses: "It's not true" or "It's none of your business". I was upset and confused. How could this be happening? How could we allow a baby to be starved to death? What would they record as the official cause of her death,"starvation"? I thought, we're not only killing babies in the womb, now we're killing them outside the womb.

Four weeks had passed. Lois continued to keep me updated. It seemed there was no way we could do anything to save Megan. I cried out to the Lord to send someone, anyone to intervene and save her. Then the Lord began to lead Lois and me on different paths to help Megan.

I called my pastor for advice. He gave me the phone number of a pro-life attorney. I told him what Megan was suffering at the hands of the pediatrician. He was shocked. He said because she did not have a shunt to relieve the pressure on her brain, she was in tremendous pain.

The attorney called a pro-life group. They called the hospital and told them they would picket the building if they didn't feed the baby. Since the parents were Catholic, they sent a priest to their home to speak with them. At the same time, Lois called the parents and told them to take their baby out of the hospital. Before Megan was discharged, I went to her room. Her little body was just
 skin and bones. I cried as I placed my hands over her and asked God to raise her up as a testimony to His power. 

The parents rushed her to Children's Hospital. When the physicians saw Megan, they were in tears. They could not believe a doctor could have done this to an infant. She received the procedure and began to recover from the first painful weeks of her life.

Megan's mother invited Lois and me to her home. We were so grateful to finally meet her. The baby I prayed over
 was transformed from the shell of an infant to a precious, thriving "little angel". This was truly a miracle of God's grace and love.

Megan has spinabifida
and learning disabilities. But Megan and her parents triumphed over a system that wanted to destroy her. God chose to use a billing clerk and a housekeeper as His helpers.

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