
Monday, March 28, 2016

Mom Writes Letter to Unborn Baby after They Survive Brussels’ Terrorist Attack

Sneha Mehta wrote a letter to her unborn child after surviving the terrorist attack at the Brussels Airport.

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

Each day the death toll from last week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels grows. As of this morning, the number killed in the attacks at the airport and the metro station had risen to 35. At least another 270 people were injured.
Amidst this tragedy there was a life-affirming ray of hope.

On Friday CNN reported about Sneha Mehta and her husband, Samsee, who , according to Don Melvin, “had just flown in from Abu Dhabi to Brussels on Tuesday when bombs went off in the airport and the ceiling started falling on their heads.”Each day the death toll from last week’s terrorist attacks in Brussels grows. As of this morning, the number killed in the attacks at the airport and the metro station had risen to 35. At least another 270 people were injured.

Thanks to their knowledge of the airport’s layout and the kindness of strangers–a terrifically helpful cab driver who not only drove them to the hospital but calmly talked to them the whole way– the 16-week pregnant Sneha made it to Sint Augustinus hospital, where “there was a beautiful moment”:

The ultrasound exam showed that the baby — the Mehtas don’t know yet whether it is a boy or a girl — appeared to be healthy and content, safe in the womb, sucking its thumb.

When they got back home to Antwerp, “Sneha felt she had to write a letter to her baby,” Melvin wrote.

Maybe it will be unsealed when the child is 16. Maybe later. She hasn’t decided yet.

But she needed an outlet. And she needed, she said, to write the letter while the feelings were fresh and raw — to capture them before they faded.

CNN reproduced the beautiful letter, which we are posting below. It is must reading. The letter begins, “Hi, Sweetheart”

Read Letter to her unborn baby:

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