
Friday, March 11, 2016

National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus Sees a Flurry of Momentum at State Levels

from Hon. Marilyn Musgrave
Vice President of Government Affairs
Susan B. Anthony List

I wanted to update you on the incredible progress we are making to protect life across the country. Thanks to the leadership of the members of our National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus we are seeing a flurry of momentum at the state level.
  • In Kentucky, State Representative Addia Wuchner is sponsoring a long-overdue limit on abortion after five months.
  • In South Carolina, State Representatives Wendy Naney and Donna Hicks have led the effort on a Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which is only awaiting a final vote in the House of Representative before going to the Governor’s desk.
  • And in South Dakota, State Senator Jenna Haggar was a lead author of the state’s Pain-Capable bill, which passed on Monday of this week and was signed into law by Governor Daugaard just this morning!Below is a chart from our research arm, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, which shows the states that have passed late-term abortion limits so far.
Above is a chart from our research arm, the Charlotte Lozier Institue, which shows the states that have passed late-term abortion limits so far.

Pro-life women leaders are also leading the charge in Indiana, Missouri, and Florida to protect women from Gosnell-like abortion facilities and unscrupulous abortionists, defund Planned Parenthood and address issues surrounding Planned Parenthood’s horrific fetal organ trade.

Each step forward towards respecting all human life is thanks to your support of SBA List initiatives like the National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus, which supports strong pro-life women leaders across the country and in Washington –connecting them to critical research and data they need to pass lifesaving laws.

Click here to learn more about our National Pro-Life Women’s Caucus.

It is because of this incredible momentum at the state level that we’re closer than ever to seeing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act pass into law at the federal level. This legislation is SBA List’s top legislative priority, and would immediately save approximately 18,000 babies from late-term abortion every year!         
As you know, in September of last year, 51 Republican and 3 Democratic Senators voted to advance the Pain-Capable bill, however they did not make the 60-vote threshold. But the fight goes on!

Courageous women (and men!) in the House and Senate continue to speak up for those who cannot, advocating for life-saving legislation such as the Pain-Capable bill. Below I’ve copied an article Marjorie had published in The Hill newspaper on Tuesday, thanking these women in particular for their stand. I hope you will enjoy reading it below.

I also wanted to give you a heads up that this Tuesday the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the Pain-Capable bill, as well as legislation to strengthen protections for babies born alive after failed abortions. This will be an important step towards continuing the conversation about late-term abortion in America.

I’ll touch base with you again on Monday with further updates and a link so that you can watch the livestream of the hearing.

Thank you for your support which allows us to continue fighting for babies and their mothers.

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