
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Planned Parenthood Praises Obama Supreme Court Nominee Merrick Garland

Judge Merrick Garland
Supreme Court Nominee Judge Merrick Garland 
By Steven Ertelt
Life News 

The Planned Parenthood abortion business is pulling out all the stops today to lobby the Senate to hold a vote on President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. After President Barack Obama’s nomination of liberal appeals court judge Merrick Garland to replace pro-life Justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, the nation’s biggest abortion business is on board.

Planned Parenthood’s actions come at the same time as the abortion company’s CEO was spotted heading into the West Wing of the White House, presumably to meet with Obama or his top lieutenants over its support for Garland.

Now, Planned Parenthood is flooding Twitter and social media with requests for abortion activists to call the Senate urging a vote on Garland’s nomination.

On Facebook, Planned Parenthood praise Garland, saying, “Here’s what you need to know about President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland: He’s an intelligent, highly accomplished judge with a record of bipartisan support. There is no reason for the Senate GOP leadership to obstruct justice and refuse to give Judge Garland a fair hearing.”

Here is just a sampling of the tweets:

BREAKING: @BarackObama is set to announce his #SCOTUS nominee! Tell Senate GOP to #DoYourJob & vote on it!

— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) March 16, 2016

Senate GOP: #DoYourJob by upholding your constitutional duty and voting on the@SCOTUSNom #MerrickGarland

— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) March 16, 2016

NOT OK: Senate GOP are completely shirking their constitutional duty—refusing to hold a hearing or even meet with Judge Garland. #DoYourJob

— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) March 16, 2016

Top pro-life groups told that nothing has changed since Scalia’s passing in terms of their opposition to a vote on any Obama Supreme Court nominee. They say anyone Obama nominates for the Supreme Court will vote to uphold abortion on demand, ergo they will oppose a vote on Garland’s nomination.

Leading pro-life advocates agree the Senate should not vote on Scalia’s replacement until after a new president has been selected.

Garland has praised the author of Roe v. Wade and said his court paper are “the greatest gift to the country.


  1. Planned parenthood's endorsement says it all!

    1. The judge lives human death...and the corollary...of pushing. Propagandizing girls and women to sacrifice their baby for the benefit of PP LEADERS AND OTHERS WHO GAIN $$! And power from the distress of girls women couple's with a crisis pregnancy

    2. The judge lives human death...and the corollary...of pushing. Propagandizing girls and women to sacrifice their baby for the benefit of PP LEADERS AND OTHERS WHO GAIN $$! And power from the distress of girls women couple's with a crisis pregnancy
