
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Powerful New Pro-Life Film has Already Saved Babies

Bruce Marchiano as the janitor (God) trying to convince Alison not to kill her baby.

By Susan Michelle
Live Action News

Bruce Marchiano is reprising his role as Jesus. Yet again. The actor, producer and screenwriter is best known for his first appearance of Jesus in The Gospel of Matthew. Now, he’s about to be the face of Jesus to the pro-life community—and hopefully many pro-life converts, as his new film, Alison’s Choice was released last week.

Alison’s Choice is a full-length feature film about a girl named Alison who finds herself pregnant and makes an appointment at an abortion facility. There, her conflict as she waits to be called for her abortion becomes the powerful story, behind the unique pro-life film. Marchiano plays the role of Jesus, in the form of a janitor at the abortion clinic. Throughout the course of the film, his personification of God is forefront in Alison’s decision.

The film summary describes Alison’s Choice this way:

I love you, Alison, and I love your baby too…” When young Alison finds herself pregnant by a dead-beat boyfriend, she turns to abortion. There in the clinic, as she waits for her name to be called, she encounters a cast of comical and quirky characters; a flamboyant counselor, a suburban mom, a heart-weary receptionist, an inner city counterpart… And more than anyone else, a gentle-faced janitor with mop “eternally” in hand. The two begin to talk and it quickly becomes clear he is no mere janitor, but the living God manifest–and He’s come to plead for the life of her baby. With the clock ticking precious minutes away, it is a fight for life or death. Suddenly a nurse appears, “Alison, we’re ready for you..”

It was so important to Marchiano to get this film in the hands of people across the nation, that he decided to release it immediately, rather than waiting for the languishing timetables of distributors. The quest to find one had drawn out the process long enough.

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