
Friday, March 25, 2016

Prayer for our Supreme Court Justices

by Patricia Dowling
Voices for the Unborn 

On Wednesday, I attended a prayer vigil in center city Philadelphia to support the  Little Sisters of the Poor. These nuns provide free, compassionate care for the elderly poor, and they are facing $70 million in government fines for refusing to violate their Catholic faith by cooperating in  the government's plan to expand access to contraceptives, abortion-inducing drugs, and sterilization through their healthcare insurance plan.

At the prayer vigil, the following invocation was prayed for our Supreme Court Justices.  I'm re-posting it here and asking everyone to use this prayer each day asking for God's intercession on these Justices.

This prayer comes from the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference.
Father of Mercy, in whose hands rest every human heart and the right of peoples:
Inspire, we pray, the Supreme Court Justices of our land so that freedom of religion might be upheld, not simply as the right to worship, but to live our faith in word and deed.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, and with the help of Mary, our dear Blessed Mother and Patroness of our Country.  Amen.  

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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