
Thursday, March 3, 2016

#ProjectWeakLink Needs Your Help

Mark Harrington here from Created Equal.

#ProjectWeakLink has begun! Many of you have shown great interest in the project. Thank you!

Hundreds of phone calls and emails were sent to Stericycle CEO Charles Alutto. We are currently making plans to begin the post-carding of Stericycle CEO Charles Alutto's neighborhood in March.

In order for us to be more effective exposing these enablers, I need your help. We need to compile evidence from across America regarding the involvement of these medical waste companies in the abortion holocaust.
Can you do some undercover work for us? Can you send me pictures and videos of medical waste companies picking up aborted fetuses from your local area Planned Parenthood and/or other abortion facilities?
We will list these videos on our evidence page.

Once I receive this information we can coordinate our efforts to expose these medical waste companies in your community. And this is just the beginning of the effort to shut down Planned Parenthood (and other abortion facilities)!

Thanks for participating in #ProjectWeakLink, exposing the enablers of child-killing,

Mark Harrington is the National Director of  Created Equal.

For more information on #ProjectWeakLink, use this link. 

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