
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Sidewalk Advocates for Life Announces New Locations!

Lauren Muzyka, Executive Director
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Please give a warm PRO-LIFE welcome to our BRAND NEW Sidewalk Advocates for Life locations!

The following cities will start around April 1, peacefully offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to women and men entering their local abortion facility...
  • Bothell, WA
  • Bremerton, WA
  • Ft. Collins, CO
  • Kennewick, WA
  • Lakeland, FL**
  • Norfolk, VA*
  • Plattsburgh, NY
  • Tulsa, OK
  • ...and Jos, Nigeria!**
*Note: These locations have already started their program.**Note: These locations will start later in the quarter.***Note: These locations returned after a short break.

These locations join our existing locations who are continuing their program!

Total, we are now up to 82 participating Sidewalk Advocates for Life locations! Praise God!

If you live near one of these locations, you might consider attending a local training and becoming an active Sidewalk Advocate, offering loving, life-affirming alternatives to women and men entering the abortion center. The spirit is peaceful and the effectiveness of this method is undeniable -- simply because it's based in sharing the love of Christ!

Details on how to get involved in your local Sidewalk Advocates for Life program are found in the LOCATIONS tab on our main website using this link -- click on your closest location and see contact info for the local program. (Note: We are still in the process of uploading all these locations to the web; if you do not see your location, check back in a few days!)

What if you don't have a location near you?

Consider bringing a Sidewalk Advocates for Life Sidewalk Advocacy program to your local community very soon! Applications will re-open May 1-31! Be sure to visit our website for more details.

Let us know if you have any questions! In the meantime, we ask you to keep all of our new and existing locations in your prayers, that many lives continue to be saved and many hearts transformed by the grace and power of God's love!

It is our prayer that no abortion facility in America and beyond goes without peaceful, loving, well-trained sidewalk counselors. Thank you, friends, for joining us in this incredibly important mission to transform hearts, save lives and end abortion!

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