
Saturday, March 26, 2016

Silent Scream

by Judith Alciatore

How can they do this, how do they dare
Destroying a life in God’s loving care
How do they live with what they have done
Stealing the life of a daughter or son

How can they sleep, how can they dream
They turn a deaf ear to the babe’s silent scream
Please stop this madness, for I tell you true
The baby’s as human as I or as you

The baby is real, though unseen in the womb
The life-giving cradle turned into a tomb
We must take a stand, be united as one
Or we, too, will answer for what they have done

Note: Below is the full version of The Silent Scream by Dr. Bernard Nathanson that I found on YouTube.  Comments below are by Clifford Sumner, who posted this video to YouTube.  
"This video shows a live abortion. The unborn child struggles to escape as its heart rate rises over 200 BPM. To watch this video and not at least entertain the idea that the child is ALIVE denotes willful ignorance. To ignore this video proves your cowardice."

 You can watch it here or on YouTube, using this link.  

Voices for the Unborn is dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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