
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Update on the NJ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and ACR 119/SCR78

from Marie Tasy, Executive Director
New Jersey Right to Life

  • The Senate version of the NJ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Has Been Introduced
Senator Steve Oroho (R-24) and Senator Joseph Pennacchio (R-26) have introduced S2026, the Senate version of the NJ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

Assemblyman Ronald Dancer (R-12) introduced A3452, the NJ Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act last week. The co-prime sponsors are Assemblywoman Gail Phoebus (R-24) and Assemblyman Anthony Bucco (R-25)

If you wish to thank these legislators, you can do so by sending an email to them at their email addresses:
We are in the process of getting more sponsors on the bill. The bill is modeled after H.R. 36, the Federal Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which passed the U.S. House of Representatives last May. This bill is part of the 2020 Project which seeks to pass this legislation in NJ by the year 2020. Please visit the website, for more information and to find how you can get involved to help us reach this important goal.


Action needed:

Please contact your State Senator and two Assembly members and urge them to support A3452/S2026. 
  • Update on ACR119/SCR 78, Resolution, Commemorating Women's Access to Reproductive Health Care and Celebrating the Anniversary of Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade
The NJ Senate approved this Resolution yesterday by a slim margin of 22-6, with 12 Senators not voting. The Assembly amended the bill to strike the word "celebrate." In order for this resolution to pass, the Assembly will have to vote on this resolution with the amendments and then send it back to the NJ Senate for concurrence. At this time, we are asking you to contact your two Assembly members and urge them to vote No on ACR119. The Roe v. Wade decision has resulted in the deaths of 59 million innocent babies in the womb. It is an outrageous affront to human life and human dignity for the Legislature to vote on a resolution that celebrates the deaths of these innocent lives and has caused pain and heartache to so many men and women. 

  • Background on ACR119/SCR78:
This Resolution was introduced at the request of Pro-Abortion Groups, which include NOW and Planned Parenthood. On March 7, the Assembly Human Services Committee and the Senate Health Committee scheduled the above resolution for Committee hearings. The word, "Celebrate" was deleted from the Resolution by the Assembly Sponsor, Asw. Valerie Vanieri-Huttle, after several of us testified against the bill and pointed out how insensitive and wrong-headed this resolution truly was. I wish to especially thank Darlene and Ethel, two post-abortive women who took time out of their busy day to come down to Trenton and testify about the harm caused to them by the Roe v. Wade decision. They implored the Committees not to pass the Resolution. Also testifying against the bill were myself, Rev. Clenard Childress and John Tomicki. Everyone's testimony was very powerful.

Although we urged the members of the committee to reject the resolution, it passed in the Assembly Human Services Committee by a vote of 4-2, with two Republican Assembly members voting No. We thank Asw. Gail Phoebus (R-24) and Asm. Joseph Howarth (R-8) for speaking out against this resolution during the hearing and voting no. It also passed in the Senate Health Committee with 6 members voting Yes and 3 abstaining and 1 absent. The three that abstained were Senator Fred Madden (D-4), Senator Dawn Addiego (R-8), and Senator Robert Singer (R-30). Senator Diane Allen (R-7) was absent and did not vote.

Use this link to Assemblywoman Gail Phoebus's Press Release on the Resolution.


Please call and email your Two Assembly members now and urge them to Vote no on ACR119/SCR78. You can find contact info of your legislators by visiting our website at and clicking on the heading that says, "Legislation." Once the page opens, type in your nine digit zip code, then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to find your State Senator and two Assembly members. (Remember, these are your State Legislators, not your Federal Legislators). 

  • 2020 Student Video Contest
The Leadership Team of the 2020 Project is sponsoring a Student Video Contest for students 18 and older. The flyer can be downloaded at this link.

Please pass this on to students 18 years of age and older and note the deadline date of May 13, 2016.

  • April 29, 2016, NJRTL Banquet
If you haven't done so already, there is still time to register for our Banquet Dinner on Friday, April 29, 2016.

Please meet and join hundreds of pro-life citizens and become part of this exciting evening. Please go to our website ( to download a Registration form or call our office at 732 562 0562 to register. Please don't miss this event! 

  • Issue Advocacy Days in Trenton
If you would like to attend Issue Advocacy Days down at the State House in Trenton, please email me your name, contact information and any particular experiences that may be particularly helpful on pro-life issues. My e-mail address is

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