
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Abortionists Protected by Corrupt Friends in High Places

by Charles Limandri
Crisis Magazine

Ten months ago, David Daleiden and his investigative journalism group, The Center for Medical Progress, released the first fruits of their inaugural study, Human Capital. Like many Americans, I didn’t immediately watch the first ten-minute video with Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Dr. Deborah Nucatola. As the president of a non-profit law firm, I am very busy, and as a man of both faith and reason, I knew where I stood on abortion. But then the second video came out, and then a third, and I began to realize that Human Capital was important. I was at first unsure—how could Planned Parenthood be so bold as to actually sell baby body parts? That’s blatantly illegal. Some have gone so far as to say the idea is too bold, too impossible, and have even gone so far as to accuse David Daleiden of making it all up, and shooting staged reenactments. But the answer is even simpler than that—Planned Parenthood wanted the money and believed their political connections would immunize them from criminal liability.
That political favoritism raised its ugly head last week, when Democratic Senate candidate Kamala Harris abused her position as the California Attorney General to have agents raid David Daleiden’s home and seize all of the Human Capital project’s raw footage. Kamala Harris obtained a warrant based on the allegation that David Daleiden used fake I.D.s and recorded individuals illegally when working on Human Capital. But it’s clear that David Daleiden’s true “crime” is that Human Capital threatened Planned Parenthood and Kamala Harris’s Senate run.

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