
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Baby Christopher Lived for 90 minutes After Birth, But His Life is Making an Impact


By Nancy Flanders
Live Action News

On April 25, 2015, Christina and Shawn Byrum welcomed their twin sons into the world via emergency C-section at 34 weeks gestation. Eli was born weighing 4 pounds, 6 ounces; Christopher, who had been diagnosed with anencephaly while in the womb, weighed 3 pounds, 2 ounces.

“The day of delivery, all I can say is God definitely granted me the peace that surpasses understanding,” said Christina Byrum. “His supernatural power gave me the strength to walk into the operating room and lay on the table, not knowing if either of my boys were going to make it safely through the delivery process. I was blessed to see them both on the sonogram machine right before delivery. […] Knowing they were both alive and weren’t experiencing any distress gave me hope that they would both be born alive. God granted me that wish.”

The Byrums knew that due to anencephaly, Christopher could die before birth. They were hoping to have as much time with him as possible, and were blessed with 90 minutes to spend with him before he died. During that time, they were able to get photos of the boys together. The family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and seven older siblings, were able to meet Christopher and spend time with him before he passed.

Although Christopher was born too small to donate his organs, The Living Legacy Foundation was able to use his body to educate their staff on the procurement and transplant of infant organs.

“Through this procedure the staff was able to develop a specialized pack of surgical implements needed in the recovery and transplant process to aid in the speed and efficiency of the procedure,” explained Christina. Byrum. “To honor Christopher’s gift of education, The Living Legacy Foundation is naming the specialized pack ‘Christopher’s Pack.’”

Read the rest of the Byrum's story:

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