
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Canada's Next Prime Minister Supports Late Term Abortions and Sex Selection Abortions


By Mike Schouten
Life News  

Justin Trudeau’s attempt to play wedge politics with the abortion issue fell flat at last week’s French language debate. This must have been disappointing for him as his position has been clear for some time: he supports every form of abortion – including for the sole purpose of terminating the lives of girl babies simply because they are female – at every stage of pregnancy. He even issued an edict stating that anyone who questioned the status quo was not welcome in the Liberal party.

The de facto position of Thomas Mulcair and Stephen Harper is, in principle, no different. When questioned directly by Trudeau last Friday, Harper said the same as he has been saying for years, “My position for 10 years has been I don’t intend to re-open this debate.”

As yet, all three leaders have a realistic shot at making 24 Sussex their home after the October 19 election. And all three continue to treat pre-born children as a political liability.

Messrs. Harper, Mulcair and Trudeau are without excuse. If elected, it is their duty to enact laws for the benefit of all Canadians. Their complete disregard for the human rights of any children in the womb effectually means that they are complicit in the deaths of 100,000 members of the human family every year.

In effect Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau all support sex-selective abortion. They care less about the fact that girls are targeted for abortion much more frequently than boys. Their refusal to act is a sign that they endorse this misogynistic practice in Canada.

All three leaders also support late-term abortion. They show no regard for the reality that every year thousands of babies lose their lives by being aborted in the latter stages of pregnancy, after the stage when children of the same age are born, survive outside of the womb, and live productive lives as Canadian citizens.

Canada is the envy of millions of people around the world precisely because of our high standard of human rights and equal rights for everyone. Yet, when it comes to the treatment of pre-born children, we are in the company of only North Korea and China – two countries with less than stellar human rights records.

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