
Sunday, April 17, 2016

China Aborts 23 Million Unborn Babies Every Year, Forced Abortions Continue Unabated


By Women's Rights Without Frontiers  
Life News

Forced abortion, sterilization and other abuses were still commonly used to enforce China’s population control policy through 2015, the U.S. State Department has confirmed. In addition, the number of abortions in China appears to be a staggering 10 million higher than the commonly quoted figure of 13 million per year.

The Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2015 released Tuesday said that coercive methods in China generally have “markedly increased” in the last year. Listed among China’s many human rights abuses is “a coercive birth-limitation policy that, despite the lifting of one-child-per-family restrictions, in some cases resulted in forced abortion (sometimes at advanced stages of pregnancy).”
Perhaps most striking is the massive increase in the annual number of abortions in China. The Chinese government has repeatedly reported 13 million abortions a year, noting that according to official Chinese sources, “The number of abortions performed is believed to be higher,” because the statistics were collected only from registered medical institutions and did not include abortions at unregistered clinics.

The State Department Report, however, defines this “higher” number, stating the following at page 55 of the 141-page PDF version:

The National Health Population and Family Planning Commission reported that 13 million women annually terminated unplanned pregnancies. An official news media outlet also reported at least an additional 10 million chemically induced abortions were performed in non government facilities. Government statistics on the percentage of all abortions that were non elective was not available.

According to information provided by the State Department, therefore, China is not performing 13 million, but 23 million abortions per year. Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, stated, “13 million abortions a year was already an incomprehensible statistic. But to add another 10 million is truly staggering, incomprehensibly tragic. 23 million abortions a year comes to 63,013 abortions a day, 2625 abortions an hour, 43 per minute.

“The population of the United States is about 320 million, with about 1 million abortions per year. The population of China is almost 1.4 billion, with about 23 million abortions per year. Therefore, with four times the population of the United States, China has 23 times the number of abortions.”

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