
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Clinton Says Straightforwardly, The Unborn Child Has No Constitutional Rights

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Chuck Todd

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

While you just never know when/where egregiously inane pro-abortion statements will pop up, if Hillary Clinton is being questioned, there’s a pretty good chance of hearing something as garbled as it is morally incoherent.

So on Sunday Meet the Press’s Chuck Todd used the tremendous controversy stirred by Donald Trump’s serial explanations of where he was on abortion to ask Mrs. Clinton

Todd: I want to ask you, what is yours? Give me your straightforward position on the issue of abortion.

Clinton: Well, that’s like asking a pretzel maker to straighten out the dough. Clinton already has her half-baked “position” on abortion fully cooked and unless you are much more persistent than you’d expect a former Democratic operative like Todd to be, you will get the usual zigzag response.

And Clinton was as evasive as ever. The reason the “FactCheckers” insist she does not believe in abortion on demand until birth is because she wraps her abortion now, abortion forever, abortion uber alles position in some clauses that sound conditional. For example, what does this mean?

Clinton: And I want to maintain that constitutional protection under Roe v. Wade. As you know, there is room for reasonable kinds of restrictions. After a certain point in time, I think the life, the health of the mother are clear. And those should be included even as one moves on in that pregnancy.

If you get out your Clinton decoder ring, what this means is that no matter how far along the baby may be, the “life, the health of the mother” trumps any and every other consideration.

But to be fair, in a question that resembled what Rick Warren asked then-candidate Barack Obama back in 2008, Todd asked

Todd: When, or if, does an unborn child have constitutional rights?

Hmmm. You could see the gears in Clinton’s head shift into high.

Clinton: Well, under our laws currently, that is not something that exists. The unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.

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