
Monday, April 11, 2016

Europeans Press for Abortion Edict from Upcoming Summit

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
Center for Families and Human Rights (C-Fam)

NEW YORK, April 8 (C-Fam) Europeans and UN staff want to put the upcoming World Humanitarian Summit agreement – yet to be disclosed – on par with high-level documents such as the 2000 Millennium Summit. But if this week’s events are an indication, the goal runs athwart their second aim: garnering “ambitious” and “concrete” outcomes, such as a declaration of a right to abortion, by barring inter-governmental negotiations.

Europeans and UN staff have been laying the groundwork to get the summit, meeting in Istanbul in May, to declare a right to abortion under humanitarian law, or the laws of war. One of the seven “roundtables” for discussion is focused on linking sexual violence with “comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services without discrimination,” a term used to promote abortion.

C-FAM was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions.

C-FAM is a non-partisan, non-profit research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of international law, protecting national sovereignty and the dignity of the human person.  For more information,  please use this link.  

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