
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Exhibits Released By Select Panel Show Planned Parenthood Lied about Not Profiting from Fetal Parts

from Operation Rescue

Washington, DC - The Select Panel on Infant Lives has released a series of exhibits that prove beyond a doubt that Planned Parenthood has lied to the American people about not earning illegal profits from trafficking aborted baby tissue and organs.

"It is clear from the documentation released by the Select Panel that money paid to Planned Parenthood in exchange for aborted baby remains qualified as illegal 'valuable consideration.' This completely validates every allegation that was put forth by investigators from the Center for Medical Progress," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, who also served as a founding board member for the Center for Medical Progress.

Newman continued, "Planned Parenthood has engaged in an aggressive public relations campaign to convince the public that videos released by the Center for Medical Progress were 'hoaxed' and that Planned Parenthood never profited from the sale of fetal remains. Now we all can see for ourselves that this was a bold-faced lie. Planned Parenthood should be prosecuted for their crimes. They must not be held above the law."

The exhibits are accompanied by a White Paper on the Pricing of Fetal Tissue produced by the Select Panel, which explains how all of the costs of tissue procurement were absorbed by the organ procurement companies, such as Stem Express, and that Planned Parenthood essentially incurred no costs.

Documents show that Planned Parenthood clinics were awarded $10,000 contract signing bonuses by one procurement company that were disguised as "donations." That bonus was on top of money paid for POCs (products of conception) and blood samples.

An example of Planned Parenthood's profit-taking is shown on page 37 of the Exhibit packet. It shows that four Planned Parenthood clinics in California were paid $11,365.00 in August 2012, alone for 171 "POCs" and 196 blood samples harvested at their facilities.

A drop-down menu from a tissue procurement company's website shows a list of organs that were available for sale, including brains, hearts, livers, glands, and even scalps. These organs had to be procured from abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood.

Now you do not have to be a lawyer to see what's going on here," stated Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Chairman of the Select Panel, in a written statement. "You put up a website that offers any baby body part imaginable - and why on earth do they need a baby scalp? Then you pick the gestation period and then check out."

"There is a grisly answer to Rep. Blackburn's question about why anyone would need a baby scalp," said Newman. "Tissue wasn't just being used for 'medical' research but by commercial entities for the use in the development of products for sale to the public. The male hair growth industry is a very lucrative one."

The report and documentation was released in advance of today's Hearing on the Pricing of Fetal Tissue, which is set to begin at 10:00 a.m. ET.

View a live stream of the hearing here

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Click here to support Operation Rescue. 

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