
Saturday, April 2, 2016

One Woman Stood on a Sidewalk Years Ago and What She Did is Still Saving Lives

Don Blythe on a College Campus

"So, because an “old woman” stood on a sidewalk near an elementary school in Ohio, holding an image of abortion victims, Blythe has been enabled to share the truth with many students today."

By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

The debate over whether images of abortion victims are effective in changing minds on abortion has been going on inside the pro-life movement for years – and many of us can testify to how they have changed our views and the views of those around us. One pro-life activist shares a story about how one of these images led to an invitation to speak on a college campus…

Don Blythe, who refers to himself as a Christian abolitionist, founded At the Well Ministries and has been involved in pro-life outreach work for over 32 years, regularly maintaining a presence outside abortion facilities. In addition, his Project Truth has distributed tens of thousands of brochures in front of high schools. 

That campus outreach has taken his team to over a hundred colleges: from Stanford to UC Berkeley, Santa Barbara City College to Shasta College, UNLV to Oregon State to Laney College Oakland.

Blythe is a familiar name in pro-life circles because his niece, Kortney Blythe, who was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident in 2011, dedicated her life to pro-life service. Kortney often joined her uncle during his campus outreach programs.

It was during one such event that a college professor approached Kortney and asked her which one of them wanted to come and take on his sociology class. Kortney told the professor that either she or her “Uncle Don” would go and according to Blythe, she gave him her uncle’s phone number. “Hey, Uncle Don, here is a speaking engagement for you,” Blythe recalled her telling him.

Blythe told Live Action News that he vividly remembered the precise way the professor extended the invitation. He said, “How about next Wednesday you come to the class. Don, you come to the class and raise your flag and see if anyone will salute. You have an hour and a half.”

Blythe prepared a PowerPoint presentation and showed up at the class prepared to speak – but also planned to show students a video containing images of abortion victims.

I tell the students ahead of time, “During my presentation I won’t show you disturbing pictures of injustice. I won’t spring it on you – but at some point in my presentation I will have a 7 minute video to show. If you choose to leave or close your eyes you can do that.”
I have never seen one person close their eyes but two or three have walked out.

Blythe claims that he has seen 80% pro-choice students change their views so drastically after he shows the video of abortion victims, that only about 30% remain pro-choice. In addition, some students who watched the video now call abortion murder.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing to me that this is even debated. All of the data proves how effective the use of photos are in making the case against abortion. Pro-life activism would be greatly diminished without the use of graphic pictures.
