
Monday, April 4, 2016

Poland: Prime Minister Backs Measure to Protect Unborn Babies by Banning All Abortions


By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Two top Polish officials announced last week that they are backing a citizen-lead measure to ban abortions completely in the European nation.
The citizen bill is gaining attention after the horrific story of a late-term baby who allegedly was born alive after a failed abortion attempt at a Warsaw hospital and screamed for an hour as it was left to die.

In Poland, abortion currently is legal in cases of rape, life or health of the mother or severe fetal deformities. The new measure, which has support from the Catholic Church and the Polish Federation of Pro-Life Movements, would make abortion illegal except to save the mother’s life.

Poland Prime Minister Beata Szydlo told Radio Poland on Thursday that she supports the citizen bill, which needs 100,000 signatures before it can be considered by the legislature.

The measure would make it illegal to perform abortions and would punish abortionists with up to five years in jail, instead of the current maximum of two years, according to Yahoo News.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the ruling Law and Justice Party in Poland, said he also plans to follow the Catholic leaders’ call to pass the measure. According to Reuters, Kaczynski said he will not force his party to vote on the measure, but he is “convinced that a vast majority of the caucus, or perhaps all of it, will back the proposal.”

On Sunday, the Catholic churches in Poland read a statement by the bishops in support of the bill. According to the Catholic news group The Tablet:

The bishops’ statement, read in churches on 3 April, said Poland’s 1993 law, which restricts abortions to cases of rape, incest, severe foetal damage or threats to a woman’s life, could not be sustained and should be replaced by a total ban.

“Catholics’ position on this is clear, and unchangeable. One needs to protect every person’s life from conception to natural death,” they said.  “We ask the lawmakers and the government to initiate the legislation.”

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