
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Political Leadership School to be held in Middletown, DE on April 30th

from Senator Ted Harvey 
Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership

Planned Parenthood and the Abortionists are doubling down on pro-life activists.

You see, we’ve been making progress in defending the unborn around the country. And pro-life activists aren’t just working to end late-term abortions. Ambitious efforts are underway to completely DEFUND Planned Parenthood.

Because of this the pro-abort lobby is on the war path to repeal every bit of progress we’ve made. Make no mistake about it, they want to shut us down once and for all. They want to create an America where abortion-on-demand is a matter of settled law. We must get more pro-lifers into the fight--NOW.

And I’m not just talking about numbers, we need pro-lifers trained in the best political tactics out there. That’s why I’m inviting you to attend a Political Leadership School coming up in Middletown, DE hosted by the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership.

These classes are taught by instructors who don’t just honor the sanctity of life, they fight for it. They know all the tricks used by pro-abort politicians.  And they’ll teach you how to beat Planned Parenthood’s political machine.

You see, there are specific things you need to know when you’re trying to pressure a politician or craft pro-life legislation.  There are tools that you need to use to pick and choose your battles wisely.

The only way to get this is by attending the Middletown, DE Political Leadership School coming up on April 30.

I hope you’ll  attend the school if you’re serious about protecting the unborn in America.
What does it say about our country to allow the horror of abortion to continue?

What does it say about you and me if we don’t do anything to stop it?

What will we tell our grandchildren when they ask what we did to get the country back on track? 
Will we pave the way for a better future for those that come after us?
I was skeptical when I signed up to take this class for the first time, but to my surprise it changed everything I thought I knew about politics.  And it helped me accomplish things I never thought possible as a State Senator.

If you care as much about protecting unborn babies as I do, I hope you will sign up today for the Middletown, DE Political Leadership School. If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?

Think about it, after taking this 1-day course on April 30 in Middletown, DE, you’re going to have the tools you need to immediately start holding anti-life politicians accountable.  And you’re going to know how to maximize your impact with limited time, talent and treasure. So what are you waiting for?

Please click the image below right now to reserve your seat in the upcoming Middletown, DE class.

How many times have you been told “this is the best deal we could get?”  So many pro-life groups have been fed lies for years by the political class and they’ve been taken in by those that will never lift a finger to save unborn babies. This school will help you understand why these compromises are wrong and how to truly become politically feared by the Abortionists and anti-life politicians in your community.

Click on the image below if you are ready to take your work as a pro-life activist to the next level.


 It's up to you and me to protect a culture of life in America.

“The Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership's one day Political Leadership School is one of the best days that I have spent in politics. I recommend it to all grassroots activists who truly want to learn how to be effective conservative leaders!”  -Jim Runestad, Michigan House (R-District 44)

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