
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Safer Outside?‏

Martin Fox, President
National Pro-Life Alliance

Once again, medical science is making the case for life.

The Glover twins, born at just 23 weeks gestation, made history by becoming the most premature set of twins to ever survive.

The fact is, virtually everyone at least says it is wrong to kill a perfectly viable baby.

But just when is a child viable?

What an absurdity to think that had these precious Glover babies remained inside the womb where they should have been, it would have been perfectly legal for these babies to be brutally slaughtered.

Yet every year thousands of other preborn babies, at the same age as the Glover twins are dismembered and discarded.

Their lives are destroyed because the timing of their existence is considered “inconvenient.”

Just look at this adorably cute picture of Mackenzie and Cameron Glover.

It’s unfathomable to imagine harming them merely because of their size and location. Their vulnerability and need for protection are evident. 

Yet as demonstrated by the vote on the Pain Capable Abortion Ban in the House and Senate, the abortion lobby is fighting tooth and nail to keep legal the horrific practice of late-term abortion.

And as we continue the fight to protect all innocent, unborn life, I thank you for collaborating to make sure that innocents are as safe inside the womb as out.

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