
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why the Abortion Industry is Dying

Last Night's Webinar Announced Big News!

Shawn Carney
President, 40 Days for Life

Last night's "Why The Abortion Industry Is DYING" webinar was a huge shot in the arm, providing hope, and encouragement for the 2,692 enthusiastic participants ...

... And the replay is now posted online! To watch the video, click the image below or access on YouTube via this link.  


While watching the video, you'll get the latest news about the accelerating decline of Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry, and you'll see front-line reports from 40 Days for Life locations around the world documenting:
  • Lives saved from abortion
  • Abortion centers closing
  • Workers quitting the abortion industry
You'll also hear the BIG announcement about a group of committed donors who together issued a ...... $96,000 matching challenge!

These donors (who themselves participate in 40 Days for Life and have seen the local impact) want to encourage YOU and others to join them in taking this work to the next level during the rest of this crucial year of 2016.

Bottom line: your tax-deductible one-time gift - or the annualized amount of your monthly pledge - to 40 Days for Life will be instantly doubled up to $96,000!

This challenge will only double gifts or monthly pledges made by midnight next Tuesday, April 19.

As you know, we rarely ask for support by email - and only ask when we really need help (the just-completed campaign heavily depleted our resources) ... so we certainly don't want to leave any of this generosity sitting on the table.

Please make your most generous gift -- and have it doubled -- now!

If God is weighing on your heart to make a one-time tax-deductible gift, that will be instantly doubled, go now to:

On that page, you can make a secure donation online, or you can print out a form where you can indicate your one-time gift and mail it in ... but it must be postmarked by next Tuesday to be doubled.

If you feel called to make a tax-deductible pledge of monthly support (the annualized amount of your monthly pledge will be doubled) go now to:

We're grateful that God has provided this amazing opportunity at this crucial moment and hope that you feel led to respond generously.

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