
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Your Senators Need to Hear from You Today!

from Tom McClusky. Vice President of Government Affairs
March for Life Education and Defense Fund

President Obama's nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court must be stopped.

Replacing Justice Scalia with the President's nominee would shift the balance of the Court to a pro-abortion majority, leaving wide open the possibility that many state pro-life laws will be overturned.

We need you to send an urgent message to your Senators TODAY, calling on them to let the American people speak with their vote in November, thereby letting the next President fill this crucial vacancy at the Supreme Court!

It is up to the U.S. Senate to stand firm against hearings on the President's nominee. That's why the March for Life is partnering with a coalition of pro-life groups to encourage every pro-life American to contact their Senators about stopping a pro-abortion Supreme Court.You can learn more at

Your Senators need to know how important this is. It's critical that the Senate is overwhelmed by calls and emails from pro-life Americans about protecting life at the Supreme Court.

Please take 2 minutes TODAY to let your Senators know that a pro-abortion Supreme Court must be stopped.

Planned Parenthood has urged the Senate to confirm President Obama's Supreme Court nominee. As pro-life Americans, we need to counter their million dollar campaigns and lobbying and be the voice for the voiceless.

Unborn, thank you for speaking up for life! Please encourage your friends and family to do the same. The right to life for unborn babies depends on each of us!

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