
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Christian Women Funding $100M to Abortion Industry, Care Net President Warns Church

Roland C. Warren

Care Net president and CEO Roland C. Warren 
Speaks at the Evangelicals for Life Conference
Washington, DC, January 22, 2016

By Leonardo Blair  
Christian Post Reporter

Citing the Church's moral complicity in the abortion industry due to a significant number of churchgoing women who have abortions, Care Net President and CEO Roland C. Warren called for the church to address its own abortion problem before tackling it in secular culture.

"We need to overturn Roe V. Wade in our own hearts and in our own churches, in our own pews. This is the log in our eye versus the speck in the culture's eye. If we want to have an impact in the culture, we need to work on our house first because that would give the message. How many sermons have you heard about that? I've never heard one," Warren said at the Evangelicals for Life conference in Washington D.C., Friday.

Care Net, an Evangelical Christian crisis pregnancy center, is America's largest network of pregnancy centers. Warren said the organization conducted surveys that show that nearly four out of every 10 women were attending church at the time they had their first abortions.

"As part of the survey we talked to women in Church and one of the things that we found was that 4 out of 10 women were…going to church more than monthly at the time of their first abortion. In the church," he stressed.

"And there's other research that shows 65 percent of women who have abortions profess to be Catholic or Protestant. Do the math, a million abortions, 65 percent, that's 650,000 abortions by people who check on boxes to say Catholic or Protestant," he continued.

Warren refused to debate about whether the women were devout or cultural Christians but asserted that their abortions reflected a problem which was not being effectively addressed in the church.

"Let's say there's just 200,000, I'm pretty convinced that's a good number. 200,000 Christians having abortions. The average abortion is around $500, do the math, that's $100 million dollars that Christians are funding the abortion industry," he said.
"We're talking about defunding Planned Parenthood we need to defund Planned Parenthood ourselves," he continued.

"We need to change. Imagine what $100 million a year would do for pregnancy centers, adoption care workers? …And we are giving it to people who are providing abortions at the same time we are protesting as a community," he added.

Citing James 1:27 in the Bible, Warren explained that the Church had a very specific call to address the issue of abortion.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world," he said quoting the scripture.
"When it was written, what was a widow? Primarily a mother without a husband. An orphan was a child without a father and today what we have is cultural-orphans and widows in our churches and our communities but the difference is instead of the husband or father being dead, he's saying to the mother and the child, 'you're dead to me,'" he explained.

Read more about this important story

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