
Monday, May 9, 2016

Couple Sues Abortionist Warren Hern for Malpractice in Late-Term Nightmare

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Boulder, Colorado - Jennifer and Jason found out sometime in early 2013 that they were having a baby.

The expectancy of a new son or daughter can be a joyous time for couples, but for them, that joy was cut short after their baby boy was prenatally diagnosed with "severe cerebral abnormalities" near the end of Jennifer's second trimester of pregnancy. She was told that her son would have a life expectancy of less than one year, if he survived delivery.

After consulting with a number of physicians, Jennifer and Jason made the "difficult" and fateful decision to abort their baby in "the best interest of Jennifer's health." They scheduled an appointment at Warren Hern's Boulder Abortion Clinic, in Boulder, Colorado, the nearest facility where very late-term abortions were available.

They probably wish they could take back that decision.

According to a Federal Court lawsuit filed by them in Colorado, Jennifer suffered a horrific late-term abortion complication that she says has caused her physical pain, mental suffering, and the loss of her ability to bear children. The couple is seeking upwards of $75,000 in medical costs, in addition to attorney fees and any punitive damages that might be awarded by the Court.

Find out what happened and why this lawsuit could cost Hern his abortion business!

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