
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Defend Life and Earn College Credit

Oklahoma Wesleyan University's Applied Bioethics 
Summer Program Equips You to Become a Defender

Mark Harrington, National Director
Created Equal

Columbus, OH – May 3, 2015 – We are pleased to share with you an exciting opportunity from our partners at Life Training Institute. This summer, you can master pro-life apologetics AND earn college credits!

  • Stand your ground by graciously answering even the toughest abortion arguments.
  • Learn a case for the pro-life view that can be presented anywhere, anytime — even if you only have a minute or less!
  • Gain the tools to equip others on your campus to stand for life!
  • Earn transferable college credits with each course!

What others are saying:

"Applied Bioethics at OKWU is the most important pro-life training you will ever receive…I went from the frustration of finding myself flat-footed in conversations about abortion to being thoroughly equipped to winsomely answer arguments in ways that are life-changing…Begin making abortion unthinkable in your community." – Jody Ward, student

"There is no better investment of time and money than OKWU's Applied Bioethics program. I was challenged and stretched in new ways as I became better equipped to defend the unborn. The small, intimate structure of the program allowed for thoughtful discussions with an amazing community of instructors and peers." - Beckie Perez, student

Space is limited. Sign up NOW by clicking on the image below.

Choose one of two exciting tracks:
Track 1:

In Ethics of Abortion* taught by Scott Klusendorf of Life Training Institute, you'll learn to compassionately persuade others in conversations about abortion, even the toughest intellectual skeptics.

Then you'll be trained to take the pro-life apologetics message you've mastered into your community and equip others like a pro inPublic Speaking with Speaker for Life's Marc Newman.**

Track 2:

In Foundations for Life, PassionLife's John Ensor will teach you to examine biblical concepts of the sanctity of human life, human rights, bloodguilt, direct intervention, and social reformation — all within the broader context of the propagation of the Gospel.

And a brand new Non-Profit Management course, with its special emphasis on pro-life work, will navigate the practical and legal guidelines of running a pregnancy resource center that flourishes in your community.***

*Ethics of Abortion is also available in an online only format spring, summer, and fall.

**Track 1 graduates will receive a Certificate of Pro-Life Training from Life Training Institute and will have earned six college course credit hours.

***Track 2 graduates will receive a Certificate of Ministry Essentials from CareNet and will have earned six college course credit hours.

At only $750 per course ($1,500 per track), this affordable investment will enable you to have the confidence and skills to make an unbelievable pro-life impact in your community!

These summer courses each include one week of intensive instruction (two weeks per track) on the stunning OKWU campus in Bartlesville, Oklahoma for the following dates:

  • Ethics of Abortion (Track 1) and Foundations for Life (Track 2) will meet July 11-15; Public Speaking (Track 1) andNon-Profit Management (Track 2) will meet July 18-22.
Reading assignments, reports, and tests are to be completed over the 14-week summer session, running May 16th through August 12th.

Created Equal is a social action movement seeking to end the greatest human rights injustice of our time. Killing preborn babies is nothing less than age-based discrimination. Abortion robs us of our future. Our goal is to restore the true meaning of equality to include equal protection between the born and the preborn.  For more information, follow this link.  

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