
Sunday, May 1, 2016

First Safe Haven Baby Box in the US Unveiled in Indiana

from Safe Haven Baby Boxes
and Patty's Page

There are currently two locations in Indiana that are equipped with safe haven baby boxes where you can safely surrender your newborn under the safe haven law in one of our electronically monitored boxes! 

 Even though there are only two safe haven baby boxes currently in Indiana every fire station, police station and hospital is a safe haven surrender site where you can hand over your infant to a worker.

​If you need help finding a safe haven location or to speak to a licensed counselor call our hotline at 1-866-99BABY1.

In the video below, provided by Patty Hunter, producer and host of Patty's Page, you will witness the unveiling that took place on April 26, 2016 of the first baby box in the United States at the Woodburn, Indiana fire station.

Safe Haven Baby Boxes provide a way for women who want to give up their babies for adoption to do so without having to go face to face with anyone else.

You can also view this video on Youtube by using this link.  

Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. is a 501(c)3 that was founded by Monica Kelsey who was abandoned as an infant. Monica has made it her personal mission to educate others on the Safe Haven Law and to do whatever it takes to save the lives of innocent babies from being abandoned. The Baby Boxes have been very successful in 3rd world countries and Monica believes that the reason it is is because it takes the face to face interaction out of the surrender. These women love their children and they want to do what's best for the child but they don't want to have their faces seen. The baby boxes takes the face to face interaction out of the surrender and protects the mother from being seen.  

The Safe Haven Law provides No Shame, No Blame, No Names. 

For more information or to contact this organization to learn how to establish Save Haven Baby Boxes in your area, please use this link.  

Voices for the Unborn is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. You can also follow us on Facebook, Google, and Pinterest. Help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

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