
Saturday, May 21, 2016

"How My Training Saved a Life"...

...and How YOU Can Get Involved! 

from Chantel Poisel
Communications Coordinator
Sidewalk Advocates for Life

We often hear the question, "Does your training really make a difference?"

Today, I am going to let Mark, a Sidewalk Advocate in Nashville, TN, share how his training through Sidewalk Advocates for Life not only made a difference -- but helped save a life!

"Today, God allowed me the privilege of speaking to a young college student and her mother who came from out of town for an abortion. Neither seemed receptive at first, and in fact, only rolled down the window a little bit because her mother was smoking. Through the fence, I let her know that we had been praying for her, and I began respectfully offering information about all the free resources available to her during her pregnancy and after her baby's birth. I also mentioned the joy she could bring to a family who is desperate for a child should she choose adoption. I stressed that most post-abortive women suffer regret, guilt, and sadness, which I did not want her to experience. Nor did I want her to enter an unsafe facility than has never been inspected and is not licensed." 
"When I said we could help her get her money back, she asked me how. I was immediately able to get ...our Program Director on speakerphone to walk her through that process. At that point, she was willing to get out of the car to receive the handouts I had for her. She was also willing to give me her contact information, so I immediately texted her phone so she would have my number and so I could follow-up with her. I was elated when she and her mother left for home."
"I feel that my sidewalk advocacy training was invaluable in preparing me for today. I was able to apply the tools and suggestions in spite of the fact that I do not consider myself a good communicator since I am often shy. The truth is I never would have imagined that I had the ability to be a sidewalk counselor. God had to bless me with the courage to even attempt it. I encourage anyone who is reticent to try sidewalk counseling to allow God to empower you. He is able!"
"Much credit also goes to my prayer warrior, Bill. I could feel the power of his prayers changing the atmosphere and the outcome."
This is why we do what we do. Many times, our Sidewalk Advocates have no idea what impact they had that day on the sidewalk; and yet, many times (after perhaps some perseverance, as well), God shows them how their YES has made a heart-changing, life-saving impact!

In just 2 years of ministry, there have been over 1,220 lives saved from abortion -- that we know of! To God be the Glory!

YOU can bring this life-saving program to your community!

Would you like to learn how to help save lives, right in the community where you live? Here is what our sidewalk advocacy training program provides for you and your community:

  • Comprehensive, 4-hour sidewalk advocacy training DVD 
  • Opportunity for comprehensive, in-person training 
  • BRAND NEW online, advanced sidewalk advocacy training 
  • Professional training workbooks 
  • Online forums with ready-made tools to support your program 
  • Monthly Q&A calls with experts in the pro-life movement 
  • Full-time staff support 
  • Free legal support from a network of pro-life attorneys 
  • Identification with a national organization that is peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding and effective! 
    Fill out our 5-minute application here:, and we will then setup a brief phone interview with you to discuss all of the details and answer any questions you may have. (And if the application fee is a problem, simply drop us a line at and we're happy to work with you!)

    Once again, applications are open now through May 31st at If you have any questions, you can email us at We'd love to be a blessing to you and your community!

    Please let us know how we can best serve you!

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