
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mom Who Almost Died Shares Her Incredible Birth Story

Bernie and Hillary are both in support of late term abortions. Bernie opposes any restrictions on abortion in general. Under such laws, up to 36 weeks, abortion would be legal. You ask me why I care so much? Meet my 31 weeker. --Ashley Costanzo

I walked into the hallway, dropped to my knees and told Josh he needed 
to call the Doctor, my parents, and an ambulance because I was “dying”.

By Kristi Burton Brown 
National Right to Life

When Ashley posted a photo of Everly on Facebook, passionately objecting to Hillary Clinton’s and Bernie Sander’s support of late-term abortion, other parents of preemies latched on and spread the word, substituting the photo of Everly with photos of their own children. Purely by accident, Ashley Costanzo started a viral trend on social media. It all started with a desire to share a little bit of her daughter Everly’s story with the world. Everly is Ashley’s third child, and she was born at 31 weeks in an unexpected turn of events.

Many stories of bravery and courage lie behind the preemie photos that spread like wildfire. But the story that started it all is the story of Ashley and Everly.

In a February blog post, Ashley shares that her pregnancy with Everly suddenly changed in her third trimester.

30 weeks pregnant; I guess this is where I will start. I was sick for a while at this point but I just kept mommy-ing on. I was tired, nauseas, swollen, hurting, and weary. I had nothing negative but low iron show up on my bloodwork up to this point, so I started weekly NSTS and ultrasounds just to check in on Everly and make sure she was growing okay. …

I took pictures the Sunday before I had her of our sweet family even though the previous 24 hours and even on the way to the park I had been vomiting non stop. I assumed it was just from the iron supplement I had taken the night before, but now looking back, I feel like this is when it all started.

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