
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pennsylvania Action Alerts for Passage of H.B. 1948 (Ban on Dismemberment Abortions)

From Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Union of Delaware County

  • Contact Pennsylvania's House Leaders and Urge Passage of H.B. 1948
  • Come to Harrisburg on June 7th

We have an opportunity to pass life-saving legislation right now. in the state House, H.B. 1948 (Ban on Dismemberment Abortions) has advanced all the way to the point that it is ready for a vote. And the votes are there in near veto-proof numbers. Only some timidity on the part of the Leadership of the House is preventing a vote. Many of you have been calling and emailing to urge a vote in the bill, and your efforts are having an effect.

The speaker of the House's communications director called to try to get the calls and emails to cease, and he was told that they will stop when we get a vote on H.B. 1948. The people of Pennsylvania do not support the brutal dismembering of innocent babies in the womb. A meeting was held yesterday, and the following courses of action has been decided upon.

1. Please continue to (respectfully) call and email (once or more per week) to both Leadership, AND your own state rep. (Some reps, at the meeting, indicated that their office has received more emails and calls from Planned Parenthood supporters than from pro-lifers.) 


Speaker Mike Turzai

Majority Leader Dave Reed

Your state rep and senator...(contact resources provided by Pennsylvania Family Institute)

1) Call their office: a list of phone numbers for Representatives is on our website.

2) Send an email: use our Citizen Action Center to send an email.

2. Come - and urge friends and family members to come with you to Harrisburg on June 7. It will be a day that you will remember the rest of your life. 
Busloads of pro-life people will be coming from every corner of Pennsylvania for a massive Rally for Life on the steps of the rotunda in Harrisburg. 
It is imperative that YOU come, and be a part of this rally. The rally is a cooperative effort of a number of statewide and regional pro-life advocacy organizations from all over Pennsylvania. Several prominent speakers have already been lined up to address our people (details will be sent later), and they will call upon the legislature to take up H.B. 1948 and pass it!  Packets will be available to anyone who can visit their reps and senators before heading home.

Your presence guarantees that Pennsylvania babies will be protected from this barbaric Dismemberment practice. PLEASE, circle June 7 and begin making preparations to be in Harrisburg for this critically important event.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

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