
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Pro-Abortion Lawmakers Pressure the G7 to Push Abortion Worldwide

G7 Leaders Commit to Advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
by Steven Mosher and Jonathan Abbamonte
Population Research Institute

Leaders of the world’s most powerful countries are meeting this week at the 2016 G7 Summit in Ise-Shima, Japan. The 2016 Summit, like previous G7 meetings, has focused on some of the most pressing issues in the modern world. Items discussed included China’s bogus claim to the entire South China Sea, the Syrian refugee crisis, ways to rebuild a war-torn Ukraine, and formulating a strategy to defeat ISIS. But now G7 leaders are committing to advancing "sexual and reproductive health, rights, and services," a term that, for pro-abortion activists, is synonymous with abortion on the international stage.

A group of lawmakers pushed for access to abortion and "sexual and reproductive health" to be included as a topic of concern at this year's Summit. A recent conference sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) paid for a gaggle of pro-abortion lawmakers to assemble in Japan to pressure the G7 to support of radical pro-abortion policy.

Read more here

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever think that anything so barbaric could happen in this One Nation Under God who gave us all life? Everyone born who believes it is right to abort was born from the womb yet they have not brains or heart to connect it could have been them. Talk about black hearts.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
