
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pro-abortion “Study” Totally Misrepresents What CPC's Do

"All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center" refers for abortions, yet calls itself a "Pregnancy Resource Center"

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

Last month , the pro-abortion-to-the-hilt site RH Reality Check changed its name to Rewire. We were told nothing had changed, except that they were better than ever.

Their “high-quality daily online publication” would “contribute to a free and just society by ensuring the exchange of information that is accurate, fair, and thorough,” Editor in Chief Jodi Jacobson assured her readers. Well… what’s the over/under on that?

A friend sent this to me this morning. Based on a study that appeared in the journal Contraception, Nicole Knight Shine wrote a story at under the headline, “Study: Pregnant People Seek Diapers, Not Abortion Counseling.”

The title of the study at Contraception is, “What women seek from a pregnancy resource center.”

From the abstract we learn that lo and behold, almost all of the women come to pregnancy resource centers/crisis pregnancy centers for free diapers and baby clothes. “Only 6% of clients discussed pregnancy options and only 2% discussed abortion during peer counseling.”

Wow, who’d thunk. Can this be true? Of course not.

Let’s start with the obvious: Cui bono? Who benefits? Start with the three researchers who wrote the study.

They call the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) home. As NRLC’s director of Education Dr. Randall K. O’Bannon once put it, “If Planned Parenthood is America’s abortion chain and the Guttmacher Institute its source of statistics, then UCSF has long been the nation’s abortion training academy.”

Not exactly a font of objectivity on “reproductive health” issues.

Article continues:

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