
Monday, May 30, 2016

TV Commercial Tacky, in Poor Taste and Dehumanizing? Yes


By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

Tip of the hat to LifeNews for a heads-up on a genuinely bizarre commercial, one that is, at the very best, in questionable taste.

The setting for the Direct TV commercial is a couple ensconced on their couch, realizing they’d forgotten to record a program they wished to see. Turns out Direct TV has some gizmo that gives them {viewers} a kind of second chance.

Put more accurately (to quote the company’s pitch), “72 Hour Rewind is a new HD DVR feature that lets you immediately watch shows that aired in the past 72 hours. Now you’ll never have to worry about missing a show again.”

In the ad, Jon Bon Jovi jumps in, acoustic guitar on full-throttle, to warble, “You see, we got the power to turn back time/That show you missed, let’s just go back and find.”

Okay, what does that have to do with us? After he advise the couple to consider replacing blasé salsa with the spicy, Bon Jovi eyeballs their young son writing on the wall and offers the thought, “And maybe reconsider having that second child.”

Watch the ad below or on YouTube using this link.  

Maybe the ad hit me harder than most because we have a two-year-old grandson who is forever writing on places he shouldn’t. But that wouldn’t lead our son and daughter in law to “reconsider” Ethan. He is more precious to them–and to us–than the opportunity to watch some meaningless drivel on TV.

End of the world? Of course not,

Tacky and in poor taste and dehumanizing? Yes.

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